Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How a 12 year old cuts onions without crying....By Kim

I try to have the boys help me cook occasionally, mainly to prepare them for life, but then also, because being with a guy who can cook...IS HEAVEN..(So I have recently learned:) So for my future daughter in laws, I would like them to be as happy as I am with Thomas and thank me for teaching the boys how to cook!

I have also taught them a few other things...
*putting the toilet lid down (after many nights of a wet hiney for me)
*setting a table with a little order (not like the Queen is coming, but you know, not a mess)
*holding the door for girls!
*cleaning up their own messes after not aiming correctly
*being kind and thoughtful to girls and others

I'm sure I have plenty more to teach them and luckily I have plenty of years left to do it.

For the men that read here, what were some of the things you learned that benefited you later in life, and for the women, what else should I do to make sure these boys learn?

Thomas' maman did such a wonderful job with both her boys, and I have always said to him, if I can do half as good of a job as her, I will be satisfied:)


At March 16, 2006, Blogger leon's life said...

That first photo of you standing behind your son with a knife in your hand made me laugh.

It's like a scene from a horror movie...

I know I have a very warped sense of humour.

At March 16, 2006, Blogger Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Real men! That is a rare treat a man who cooks and puts the toilet lid down!

At March 16, 2006, Blogger Kim/Thomas said...

HAHAHAHA!I just noticed the knife, when I looked at the picture closely, cheese was taking the photo and I forgot I had it in my hand...You're right, it does look like a scene from a horror flick! :o) kim

At March 16, 2006, Blogger Just me said...

It would be nice if all moms taught their sons those things! =o)

At March 16, 2006, Blogger Desperate Housewife said...

I'm going to teach my son how to aim.

At March 16, 2006, Blogger Kim/Thomas said...

I have clorox wipes next to the toilet, the rule is...if you don't clean! And if I go in after them and see drops, I call them in and show them and make them clean it up...They learned to aim, really quick!
I know, I'm a mean mum ;o)

At March 17, 2006, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Hey guys:

It took a week, but I finally added you to my sidebar.

BTW...thanks for leaving a message on Nicky-baby's blog. Between the three of us, maybe we can convince him to post more than twice per year.

It's tough being 11 years old with 11 girlfriends.

Take care. I hope Thomas has found an acceptable source of baguettes in NY.


At March 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, good on you about the aiming thing. That one hasn't made into my boy's repertoire yet. ;-)

At March 18, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Haha - that is so funny! I would have never thought of wearing goggles! I think people would find me a bit weird if I busted out my swedish racing goggles (as I used to swim that is all I used).

Kim I'd have to say you've covered it. My hubby came equiped and well taught with all of those traits, along with knowing that the bathroom needs to be thoroughly cleaned every 2 weeks! And at the same time vaccum the house.

Also - make sure they take out the garbage when it gets full!

You are lucky but I guess there are two of us at least. :)

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