Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Just around the kim

Although I may not have Paris right in my back yard like some of you. I do have a Paris flea, right around the corner from me, in fact if you look in the reflection of the store window, way in the back is the vicinity of my house!

This store has oh so many beautiful things in it, the owner loves Paris flea markets and makes it her hobby to visit often and bring back stuff here. (and sell them for bucco bucks!;)

With the beautiful weather we have been taking a walk very often around town and when I pass this store, I can for a split second transport myself into a dreamworld of me, my frog, pickles and cheese, strolling down some beautiful French village, munching on a chocolatine and enjoying the scenery and storefronts. THEN I bump into a giant American flag in my face and realize, I'm still in New York.


At May 11, 2006, Blogger Pam said...

I think it's awesome that you can have those moments of enjoying being-somewhere-else when just around the corner from home!

At May 11, 2006, Blogger CG said...

Maybe you should make yourself a French flag and put it on your house so your dream of being somewhere else never goes away... Ok I am still a bit sleepy; I'll go to bed and come back to say something more sensible later! :)

At May 11, 2006, Blogger Kim/Thomas said...

Pam, yes I love those moments, its so much fun to fantasize, there are so many beautiful areas here, that even our lake, I can close my eyes, open them, and pretend I'm in Germany or Austria, this area is very unique.

Carra, that is so funny you mention that, because my landlord was just saying he was going to get a flag for the front door, and I wasn't too happy, I think people over use the flag here, we have them everywhere, and they seem to have lost their meaning. when he said that, I said, would you mind if I put a German flag or how about a french flag, or how about I knit a mixture of them, (I was kidding) he took my hint and is not putting a flag:)

At May 11, 2006, Blogger Miss Kim said...

Oh I love stores like that! You can always find something wonderful that you really, really need! *grin*

At May 11, 2006, Blogger leon's life said...

I love the look of that shop, it's definetly the sort of place that I would really want to wander round.

At May 12, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh that store looks incredible. And I so much love flea markets. I miss them in Europe as they are just so much more fun and seem to have so much better stuff.

At May 15, 2006, Blogger Betty Carlson said...

Neat picture. You can just pretend you're in Paris!

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