Wednesday, August 16, 2006

two more days... by Thomas

Last Year, was the first year, as far as I can remember that I didnt get to go to the ocean... Till I moved to Canada, I was spending every weekend from April to November by the Ocean... October 2004 was the last time I saw the Ocean, and that is just way TOO long. I love swimming in the waves, see the underwater streams... I bathed in the Atlantic, the Indian and the Pacific Ocean, as well as the tasman sea...and eventhough I got to bath in lakes last year, nothing replaces salt water...

So as Kim mentioned it, we are going to the Ocean for a week...TWO MORE DAYS LEFT... and I just cannot concentrate at work...two more days, two more days woooooooohoooo...

Sorry for that lame post but I am way too excited


At August 16, 2006, Blogger B said... is great to see you here again! I can imagine that you are all so excited about the upcoming trip and I cannot blame sounds wonderful. Have a great time and definitely share some pics if you can! Hope to see you here more often. :-)

At August 28, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

I'd be excited too...oh wait, that ocean, it's like eye distance from the deck I am on...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I miss the travels.

At October 17, 2006, Blogger Just me said...

Hey Kim! Where are you? =o) Do you have another blogsite I don't know about?

At October 19, 2006, Blogger egan said...

Est-ce que tu as disparu?

At October 20, 2006, Blogger Kim/Thomas said...

okay, I just spent...ohhhhhh 2 hours making sooo many picture posts...and one long huge post of words..entirely crazy words...published all of them...and hmmm...they are not here....I tried everyone...what can I say...they are not showing up....I don't know what to do...sigh...

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