Saturday, February 10, 2007

An American Paradox... by Thomas

Americans are the world champions when it comes to raise money. Tsunami, war refugees, earthquake relief worlwide is mostly financed by American donators. I think it is a great thing and they should be proud of it.

Yet what puzzles me is that a lot of these generous donators would not want their taxes to increase to finance a Universal Healthcare system....


At February 11, 2007, Blogger egan said...

Hmm, per capita though... Americans aren't nearly as generous as you would hope. I say that as an American.

I would love to get universal health care sir, but apparently fighting "terrorists" in Iraq is much more important.

At February 11, 2007, Blogger Ksam said...

I agree with you 100% Thomas. Though I think the thing stopping a lot of Americans from supporting Universal Healthcare is that they think of it as a European socialist thing, and not something that mixes with the so-called American way.

At February 11, 2007, Blogger Doc said...

Think Sam hit the nail on the head. Social anything equals full blown socialism and OH God! We Can't Have That!

At February 11, 2007, Blogger susan d said...

Mr. Barack Obama (from my state) has universal health care (and getting out of Iraq) a top priority if elected, and somehow I think he will follow through if the people are smart enough to elect him.

At February 12, 2007, Blogger B said...

Yes, it is ridiculous that universal health care is disregarded so quickly in America. Social welfare in general is nearly non-existent. People are effectively convinced through ideology that this is undesirable. I just wish Americans would tear themselves away from such ignorance.


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