Thursday, February 15, 2007

We've got snow!

Sorry, I took the first photo behind my window screen, but can you blame me, it is fricken' cold!
The funny thing is, it doesn't look like that much snow, but let me tell you, this is from the 2nd story, there is a lot of snow down there!
We are on our second day of no school and I'll have to take some pics when the kids are outside, it is over Cheeses head!


At February 16, 2007, Blogger B said...

Oh, I love snow. It looks so beautiful! So, who's that plowing it for you?! As inconvenient as snow is, I wish we had more of it out here sometimes. Makes me want to head for the mountains now!

At February 20, 2007, Blogger CG said...

God you have snow... We haven't had any and it is very bad for the region... I am so envious. I also love snow since I was little, it is absolutely magnificent...


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