Sunday, August 19, 2007

Vacation...yes I said Vacation...

Yes we are totally crazy!!! Not only are we opening a business...and hope to be open by September 4th...ahahahhahahahahah....we are also going on the vacation to the jersey shore for 1 week!!! But hey, the stuff is ordered and the paint is done...the floor will be done the week we are gone and as soon as we get back plumbing can get done, then its just putting stuff together and setting up...hahahah sounds soo easy...oh how optimistic (and crazy) I can be!!!

I/We chose to go through with our vacation..cause I was thinking...the kids, and all of us, will be making major sacrifices this year...I mean, this first year is crucial...I cannot turn down one bit of business, so I will be working alot!!! Plus there are a lot of education and shows that I will attend....and with this new endeavor...I didn't want the first foot of it to be..."Hey kids, we are opening our own business now and it will be great and prosperous...BUT we cannot take the camping trip we planned for one year....I just didn't think it would be a good start to it we will play and play hard and laugh and play some more....AND then we will be a working family:)

Have a great rest of the summer for everyone! I cannot believe these are the last 2 weeks of summer:( time flies!


At August 27, 2007, Blogger B said...

I hope that you are all having a great time on vacation. Despite all that you have going on with your new business, it is great that you did this for your family. Everything will come together beautifully with Bijou! I'm excited to see more photos!

At September 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watkinson is in fashionable society, said Caroline, or Mrs.. Through the repeated recurrence of this process the intensity of an entire train of ideas may ultimately be gathered in a single presentation element.. In the dream his father asks him what this is all for--that is, he asks him about the purpose and arrangement of the genitals.. The course you suggest would belittle us more than it would annoy them.. Isn't that rather a heavy load? he suggested.. William, cast him loose from the boat before you let him up! What will he do when he gets up? Oh.. [1] It may therefore seem that the conscious wish alone has been realized in a dream; but a slight peculiarity in the formation of this dream will put us on the track of the powerful helper from the unconscious.. In town he walked about the hotel, entertained the guests, carved at the meals, hovered about the stores, the doctors' offices, the wagon and blacksmith shops, discussed mercantile, medical, mechanical questions with specialists in all these departments, throwing into them all more and more of politics as the intimacy between him and his patron and chief boarder increased.. Finally she blames her mother for not having been born a boy.. Buller shot forward as if she had been struck by a squall.. Fluker, who was as staid and silent as he was mobile and voluble.. Shake him up, Christopher.. But don't you think they're nice people? asked my wife.. The road was wide and the snow was worn down smooth.. William, said his companion, you must sit down; if you don't, you'll tumble overboard and be drowned.. He began to hold his hickory up at certain pauses in the melody, and beat the changes upon the sides of his astonished steed.. They may come in handy to sleep on.. Owing to the behavior of my double, or, if you please, to that public pressure which compelled me to employ him, I have plenty of leisure to write this communication.. Master Horner's success was most triumphant that winter. As she sat with folded hands her eyes fell upon--what? The pink bonnet with the blue plume! It may appear strange to those who do not understand such natures, but to me her next action was perfectly natural...

At October 09, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

the salon looks positively kicky!


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