Not having fun at all...

Here is what I have done since my boys have been gone....other than miss them terribly!
Had a girls night out with my little 14 year old neice, saw Mamma Mia! for the 3rd time, watched 3 movies, that were bonafide chick flicks....didn't cook dinner, went shopping, layed out in the sun.....stayed up late and slept in....
I hate it....with the exception of spending time and girl talking with my neice, I walk around not knowing what to do, I mean, don't get me wrong...I have plenty to do...I could hang some stuff on the wall, but the frog is the expert at that....I could read....but it's too quiet as it is...I have danced around the house and sang Abba songs at the the top of my lungs...but that is only fun for a little bit....I MISSSS MY BOYS....WAAAAAAAAA! It's too quiet, I miss my cuddles with all of them, I miss laughing with them....I miss them.....:(:(
I have to work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, then I am off to the train station on Saturday, I won't get to them until Saturday night....tooo long! Seriously the day I thought this would be wonderful to have a full week without all three of them....I should have realized they are my world...without them for a week, suddenly it's quiet, boring, no one to take care of...I hate it!
Okay enough complaining! It will go quick, I am talking to them like a few times a day...they are telling me that the water is 59 degrees, okay after this longer will I crave lobster rolls and lobster for dinner every night...I guess I should have figured it out after maine...that if there are lobsters in the ocean it must be cold....I really can't wait to join them though...they said they have seen groups of seals nearby...harbour seals....judging by the water temp, I bet they are on vacation too!
They rented bikes, I am not sure if they are kidding, but they said they will get me the pink tricycle with the big basket to carry our beach just never know with those guys...they are tricksters first:) although I bet with a tricycle, the seat will be comfy:)
This week, I am going to see the Producers and beauty and the beast and lots of work....being on my own like this makes me realize...i could never be without my kids and my frog...i would have nothing at all to do....i can't even think about cook for just myself seems so unsatisfying....blech, i don't like to be on my own...that is for sure!
On another note, the lawyer stuff seems to be actually moving along...i can't believe it...I was teasing the frog and telling him that he better not find a cape cod replacement...and he said something like..."well you know the best way to keep the girls away from me" and I'm like what, shave your head, or dress you badly?...and he points to his ring finger...I was I was going to slip my Opa's old wedding band that I have, just to be his sleep, but of course I forgot:)
Well goodnight for's just me and the dog....quiet...tooo quiet...and creepy alone in the house....boy, i'll never do this time i'm going for 2 weeks too!!!!