Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Salon of the year....

There is a competition, that I look for every see what the new design's in all our trade magazines, since I've been a stylist...I've always checked out who won...
The requirements are that it is either a new salon or a remodel...this is the year we can do it....We spent about 8 hours taking everything out of the salon and making it look i know the truth...when I look at the pictures of past winners... i always looked in amazement at how uncluttered they's all just for the me...the real stuff is in the hallway ;)
Well, I will enter...nothing ventured nothing gained...most of the winners and salons that enter are minimum 1200 to 12000 square feet...we have 526 square feet:)
So anyone who would like to send some good vibes our way:) feel free to:) wish us luck!!

The frogs first american wedding...and he talked french politics...can you imagine how happy he was:)?

Bijou decorated for christmas...

christmas eve dinner and christmas eve night..

Well I am way behind...and no time to type...but we had a great dinner of crab legs and squid with salads and raw veggies...the look on cheeses face is that of tasting his first crab leg...i think he liked it:)

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